[678] no title
anonymous : 2024/04/23(Tue) 02:05 ID : 9f473448

no body
[679] Re: no title : anonymous : 2024/04/23(Tue) 02:08 ID : 9f473448
drawing with a trackpad is hard
[655] Lost tomorrow
miku : 2024/04/03(Wed) 04:21 ID : 083becf0

no body
[656] Re: Lost tomorrow : CrappyDrawer : 2024/04/03(Wed) 11:52 ID : 8f3ca23d
Holy shit dude this is so good. How long have you been drawing?
[661] Re: Lost tomorrow : miku : 2024/04/04(Thu) 19:13 ID : 083becf0
Thank you! I've been drawing my whole life, however, it was in 1997 when I really started to concentrate on characters (and creating them). That's when drawing started to overshadow my gaming hobby.
[670] Re: Lost tomorrow : kestrelmas : 2024/04/07(Sun) 03:48 ID : 6a7b547e
Love your Shi-Painter work! :)
[672] Re: Lost tomorrow : miku : 2024/04/08(Mon) 20:23 ID : 07799595
@kestrelmas: Thanks :). I’m hoping to switch my current guilty pleasure from generating AI stories back to drawing oekakis (still struggling ;D).
[659] no title
Kestrelmas : 2024/04/04(Thu) 10:42 ID : 6a7b547e

no body
[662] Re: no title : miku : 2024/04/04(Thu) 19:33 ID : 083becf0
Hey there, welcome! Why do I get the feeling that half the folks on this board drew their first oekaki about 15-20 years ago? ;)
[664] Re: no title : Kestrelmas : 2024/04/04(Thu) 22:03 ID : 6a7b547e
miku-san Hahaha you know me too well! Most, if not all, of my old oekakis are on my D-art page. :) I love your art here, by the way!
[665] Re: no title : miku : 2024/04/05(Fri) 00:39 ID : 083becf0
Thank you :). I just checked your DeviantArt page and saw the oekaki you made in 2003, so it seems I was quite close :D. I drew my first oekaki in the same year too."
[667] Re: no title : asdfghjkl : 2024/04/05(Fri) 05:36 ID : b7d1c5a7
This is so good! oh, and welcome! :-)
[668] Re: no title : OnlyHeadshots : 2024/04/05(Fri) 21:17 ID : b3a66ea0
This is really good! *u*
@miku: For some reason, I felt really nostalgic recently and went looking for oekaki boards. Only to realize that all the ones I used to be on are gone. D;
[669] Re: no title : miku : 2024/04/06(Sat) 22:18 ID : 07799595
@mOnlyHeadshots: That's true, and some of those sites have turned into silent oekaki museums. My favorite site has been gone for years, but I'm still in touch with some of the people I met there :)
[671] Re: no title : kestrelmas : 2024/04/07(Sun) 03:50 ID : 6a7b547e
Thanks for having me, all! <3
Yeah all my old oekaki and paintchats are gone, but I'm really happy to be here. :)
[648] no title
asdfghjkl : 2024/03/31(Sun) 08:52 ID : b7d1c5a7

how do I use this site
[649] Re: no title : CrappyDrawer : 2024/04/01(Mon) 02:22 ID : 8f3ca23d
I think that you are doing a good job so far
[651] Re: no title : asdfghjkl : 2024/04/01(Mon) 09:01 ID : b7d1c5a7
thank you :-)
[653] Re: no title : OnlyHeadshots : 2024/04/01(Mon) 17:29 ID : b3a66ea0
This is so good! 👁️👄👁️
[666] Re: no title : asdfghjkl : 2024/04/05(Fri) 05:34 ID : b7d1c5a7
thanks a ton!