[266] no title
star shine : 2022/10/23(Sun) 11:47 ID : 9054afa9
speedrunning this b4 my phone dies (shes holding a ak-47 btw)
[265] Midnight face
miku : 2022/10/21(Fri) 07:02 ID : f1a3b063
(299 KB)
- Showing thumbnail - PaintTime :
17min 30sec
Just noticed how fluid is to work with the ChickenPaint.
[263] Lost my Pandora xox
miku : 2022/10/21(Fri) 06:06 ID : f1a3b063
Nice to draw on oekaki board again, but too bad it works pretty slow sometimes.
[264] Lost my Pandora box : miku : 2022/10/21(Fri) 06:09 ID : f1a3b063
*trying to fix my typo*
made this very quick for my website