Displaying 6 Posts by Why

Re: Goku-sa

2021/07/19 9:23
Thanks for the notice. I've updated it.

Re: Goku-sa

2021/07/18 13:46
I've updated to the latest version. Thanks for all the hard work and improving the mobile version of Chickenpaint! I've merged the changes I made to the latest html them

Re: Goku-sa

2021/07/15 9:21
Thanks for looking out! I'll be sure to ask, I changed the templates without thinking so upgrading was always a worry

Re: Goku-sa

2021/07/14 15:40
Thank you! My knowledge is limited, I only know html and css haha. If I knew PHP I would love to contribute ^^

Re: Goku-sa

2021/07/14 12:26
You are welcome! And it's true, I hope more people will come back to oekakis in the future!


2021/07/13 15:49
Goku-sa by Why
I set up a board in English. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to draw in oekakis again. Thank you!

new arrival comments.

last modified: 2021/07/19 9:23