[435] how do i add this to my website

hi : 2023/07/03(Mon) 16:11 ID : 930c5dc7 *

1688368279209.png (28 KB) PaintTime : 2min 2sec
how do i add this to my website by hi

no body

[436] Re: how do i add this to my website : satopian : 2023/07/03(Mon) 23:58 ID : 2213dbfd [URL]

Release POTI-board EVO EN v5.61.2 released.
Download zip file.
edit config.php.
// Administrator password, make sure to change it.
$ADMIN_PASS = "adminpass";

Upload the entire `potiboard5` folder via ftp.
Access the transferred folder with a browser.
Complete when BBS is displayed.